Use of School Lockers
All students will be provided with lockers located along the corridors outside their classroom.
Locker Allocation: Each student will be assigned a locker corresponding to their class register number. No swapping is allowed.
Lock Usage: For security, students will only be allowed to use lockers with a lock. Unsecured lockers will be cable-tied to prevent unauthorized usage.
Lock Distribution: At the start, the school will provide each student with a one-off combination lock (worth $4.50) for their locker. In case of loss or damage, a replacement can be purchased at the school bookshop. Alternatively, students may use a combination lock from home, if it fits the locker.
Usage Guidelines: Students are encouraged to store their Personal Learning Devices (PLDs), textbooks, and other learning materials in their lockers to help keep their bags light and be well-prepared for lessons. Mobile phones should also be stored in lockers and should not be used during class time. Food, smelly clothes / shoes / boots cannot be stored in lockers.
End of Semester Maintenance: All lockers must be cleaned and cleared with locks removed, by the last week of each Semester, before the start of June and Nov/Dec school holidays. Students will be reminded when to start this process and items left in their locker at the end of the semester will be discarded.
Safety and Responsibility: Lockers are school property, and students are expected to care for them responsibly. Please note that for safety and hygiene reasons, school staff have the right to open and check lockers when necessary. Any misuse or damage will be subject to disciplinary action, and the cost of repairs will be borne by the student.